This is the theme I chose for my hall... Why is this our hall theme?
First, I think I’ve shared this before, but one of my favorite life verses is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength,” found in Luke 10, verse 27. Those four things capture everything we are to the core! They mean to love Him with more than just our words, or just our beliefs, or just our actions.
They mean that God can be worshiped by more than just song. Everything we do, when done with the heart and mindset of pleasing Christ, can worship and glorify Him! What an awesome opportunity we have! What an encouragement to start worshiping Him with what we are doing RIGHT NOW, even if what we did 10 minutes ago didn’t. What an inspiration to think outside the box in search of ways to worship him. It’s a constant opportunity to be creative.
I read a book this summer, called, “Scribbles in the Sand,” by Michael Card. In it, Card shares a similar idea to what I shared above. He focused around the example that Christ set in John 8:1-12, when an adulteress woman was brought before Him, the Light of the World. Jesus’ response to the woman’s accusers condemning her before Him was simply (arguably, very not simply) to bend down and scribble in the sand. What He wrote, or drew, was never recorded. Why?? Because what was written has never been the point. It was creative way, thinking outside the box, to capture attention, and to worship and listen to the Father. It was un-condemning. It was self-less. Loving. Powerful!
My vision and heart for my hall in Res Life this year has been to provide an environment that enables the girls to live in wonderful creative worship like this. Each of them has different talents, hobbies, majors, gifts, etc. I want for each of them to have opportunity to express those things and encourage each other to live out loud (so was the freshman theme this year) for the Lord in every way they can.
Here are a few of the ways I’ve tried to do this:
First, each of the RAs were responsible for decorating their hall at the start of the year, before everyone else arrived. One of the things I decorated with were clipboards. I put them up throughout the hall for the girls to hang up various things, like verses, quotes, drawings, songs, pictures, etc. I started them off by putting up a bunch of verses (In the following blog, I'll post some pictures of these and some of the activities mention below).
Also, I put a small table at the end of the hallway with a quote book, for the sake of good memories, and note cards where the girls can write prayer requests or hall activity ideas to put in the mailbox outside my door. They have come up with some great activity ideas: tie-dye party, OFFICE party, slippin’ slide extravaganza (yes, we had a slippin’ slide. haha. And it was awesome!!! Ssshhhh), girl’s night out- Abuello's and the drive-in, concerts, secret valentines, welcome back parties, etc.
At our first hall get-together, I asked each of the girls to bring something that represented them… it was incredible to see the things everyone brought… We learned how diverse our group was :) Hopefully all these things build their confidence and bring them all together in love.
We sit out in the hallways telling stories of times we’ve felt homesick to comfort girls who are feeling homesick. We worship together, watch movies together, have bedtime stories together, and tea parties together. We’ve made 2 AM rushes to the ER and 6 AM morning runs. Girls have shared in their deepest sorrows, through death and pain, and their greatest joys, through life and success. We’ve LIVED together.
We’ve all done so many things together that bring so much life to our hall! I don’t say these things for any other reason than I guess to share how much I love getting to know each of the 32 (plus the few that moved after the first semester) girls on my hall and love the challenge of trying to encourage them (and love being encouraged by them myself) to use who they are, everything about them, to give sacrifices of praise to God!
Lord, I ask that this hall would be a place where you are truly worshiped and joyfully feared. You are SO good and SO powerful. Thank you so much for the wonderful women I live with! Please plant a beautiful passion for purity in each of their hearts. And a hatred for the things that are not of You. Fill us with compassion and understanding for each other. Jesus, we want Your name to resonate through this hall and peace to fill each room. This is Your place and these are Your children. Do with us what You will. May everything we go through this year only bring us closer to You and reveal Your heart to us! Conform us to Your image. I love You, Jesus. For You and for Your glory. Amen :)